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Professional Online
Computer Graphic Courses.

Courses available in
the following languages:

Professional Online Computer Graphic Courses. Adobe Photoshop CS6 or Adobe Illustrator CS6 or CorelDraw X6.
In het Nederlands en in het Engels.

Graphic courses

Photoshop CS6, Illustrator CS6 and CorelDraw X6 workshop. Over 30 modules and videos per graphic design program.
Met Adobe Photoshop CS6 kan je bijna alles doen met afbeeldingen. Met Adobe Illustrator CS6 wordt het creëren van logo’s en afbeeldingen een fluitje van een cent.

Email Marketing

Send newsletters, design beautiful email campaigns, and keep in touch with your contacts and customers. Pay As You Use - Purchase Email Credits based on the number of emails that you want to send.
Start Sending the best email today!
No contracts. Unlimited marketing emails. Cancel anytime.

Gps server

Server is designed to communicate with a wide variety of GPS (mobile version and desktop version). Manage history, reports, events and notifications, remote device control, mobile apps and support of hundreds of GPS trackers.
All features, no limits. Newly added devices will be active for 14 days